For My Son

To My Son

I love you, and promise not to give up on you, I will seek every possible true scientific advice to help you get through your suffering.

If you have a family member grappling with psychosis, it's vital to pause before hastily resorting to medication or immediate admission to a mental hospital.

Take the time to educate yourself about the array of treatment options that are available.

Psychotherapy Based on Depth Psychology is a Superior Approach

Psychotherapists who are interested in Depth Psychology are living in a professional world that is dominated by cognitive behavioral approaches—Lionel Corbett, M.D., explains why psychotherapy based on Depth Psychology is often the superior approach

treatment options

Dr Lionel Corbett discusses Jung's approach to treatment of psychosis, which involves understanding the deep level of the psyche and the use of mythic imagery to express suffering. He also highlights alternative approaches to treating psychosis, such as humanizing the treatment through empathy, understanding, and expressive modalities, and recognizing the symbolic meaning of delusional language. Lastly, he touches on the importance of acknowledging and affirming the validity of an individual's unique perception of reality.

what antipsychotic drugs are useful for is reducing Terror psychotic states are. 1:07:20 terrifying an antipsychotic medication can help with extreme Terror but obviously it has to be used in the lowest possible levels.

Summary Key Points

Dr. Lionel Corbett explains Jung’s model of the psyche, which includes the collective unconscious as the source of religious and mythic imagery that can flood the conscious personality in extreme states of psychological fragmentation.

Jung’s model of the psyche includes the collective unconscious, which is the source of religious and mythic imagery.
This deep level of the psyche is the spiritual dimension of the psyche and can flood the conscious personality in extreme states of psychological fragmentation.
All religions and mythological systems have common themes, such as gods and goddesses, heavens and Hells, messiahs, and saviors, that arise from this deep level.
Jung believed that psychotic symptoms are symbolic expressions of a person’s situation and can be treated and cured by psychological means.
Psychotic symptoms are symbolically expressing the person’s situation using imagery that sounds delusional to us but is actually Mythic.
The therapist has to ask where this process is leading and what the Mythic imagery is trying to express.
Jung believed that schizophrenic disturbances can be treated and cured by psychological means.
Nisa de Salvira founded Casa Das Palmeros in Rio de Janeiro, which humanized the treatment of psychosis in Brazil and focused on empathy, understanding, and expressive modalities.
Casa Das Palmeros uses art, sculpture, music, sewing, and animals as co-therapists.
Delusions have symbolic or metaphoric meaning that can be decoded through understanding the person’s language.
The Open Dialogue research group in Finland uses minimal amounts of neuroleptics and defines psychosis as a meaningful life crisis, resulting in remarkable first episode results and a decrease in schizophrenia relapse rates.
Unusual states of mind can be crises of personal transformation with positive potential, according to the work of Stan and Christina Groff on spiritual emergency.
Psychotic experiences involve mythic and ritual themes that overwhelm consciousness.
Perry recognized the prominence of mythic themes in psychotic material.
The experience of becoming very special or chosen compensates for a one-sided conscious idea of inferiority or inadequacy.
Mythic figures can be projected onto the environment, leading to feelings of being threatened by demonic forces or being followed by the FBI or the CIA.
The theme of return to the origins of the universe is fundamental to the reorganization process.
Example of a psychotic young woman’s Mythic themes in a cosmic struggle of Good and Evil
She had an alcoholic father and a paranoid critical devaluing mother who envied her and resented her
She craved acceptance but felt there was something deeply wrong with her and she could never be loved
She experienced a tremendous range of Mythic themes including a cosmic struggle between the devil and Christ, masculine and feminine conflict, and separation of the Holy Trinity
She had to crawl through a skeleton from bottom to top and repeat creation from the beginning
Visionary experiences are not psychotic, but rather the result of contact with the deep level of the psyche.
It’s difficult to distinguish delusional beliefs from non-pathological anomalous experiences.
Anomalous experiences can produce positive life changes and are often ignored or dismissed by mainstream psychiatry and psychology.
Some societies understand and support non-ordinary states of consciousness as shamanic initiatory crises, not mental illnesses.
Visionary experiences can lead to cultural changes, as seen in the case of Handsome Lake and the Iroquois culture.
Dr. Lionel Corbett explains Jung’s idealist philosophy and the relationship between psyche and matter.
Jung believed that psyche and matter are two aspects of the same reality.
He was a monistic idealist who believed that the psyche is the primary reality.
According to idealist philosophy, physical reality might simply be the activity of consciousness.
Psyche and matter are two sides of the same coin.
Feeling of unreality is common in states of mind of people with psychosis, often resulting from having their perception of reality discounted; Validity of their own perceptions must be reaffirmed to help them finish the process.
The feeling of unreality is a result of having their perception of reality discounted by their family.
The validity of their own perceptions must be reaffirmed to help them finish the process.
Criticism exists for this approach, as mainstream psychology and psychotherapy call it parent blaming. 

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